Digitization and networked health are the strategic success factors of the clinic management of the future. You don't have a digital strategy yet? The time has come! A smoothly functioning information system forms the basis for effective and efficient processes in everyday clinical practice.
Consulting services
Our experts support the development of digital strategies as well as the design and optimization of processes and information management in the healthcare sector. We focus on the following main areas of advice:
IT Efficiency & Risk Audit
Modern, effective and efficient IT is of central importance for the competitiveness of hospitals. However, a complete overview of the systems, interfaces and important IT key figures is often already missing. Through a detailed recording of the IT infrastructure and the subsequent analysis of the individual areas, we achieve a joint assessment of your IT landscape and your IT operation from a technical and economic point of view. After benchmarking your IT key figures, we derive specific recommendations for action and offer you an overview of the potential for effective and efficient IT.
Product sheet: IT Efficiency & Risk AuditHIS audit
Clinical information systems (HIS) have long since overcome the role of pure documentation systems and are now the core element of every hospital infrastructure and the heart of everyday hospital life. However, the importance and process support of IT, and in particular that of HIS systems, is often perceived as too low. As a result of our HIS audit, you will receive a well-founded and resilient expert advice and a clear agenda on how the effectiveness and benefits of your HIS system can be significantly increased.
Product sheet: KIS AuditData protection & data security
Data protection and security are burdened with the image of the pure "cost driver". In 2016, the health sector was the most frequently attacked sector from the Internet. With the entry into force of the IT Security Act 2015 and the EU Data Protection Regulation, the health sector is one of the "critical infrastructures" (KRITIS) - this means that from 2018, there will be significant fines of up to € 20 million in case of damage. Together with you, we identify sensitive information and assets and carry out a detailed protection requirement and risk analysis. We then develop and establish measures for risk treatment to improve your information security.
Product sheet: data protection & data securityIT strategy
Sheet metal and stripping are a thing of the past - professional IT services geared to corporate strategy are the future! IT management in hospitals has become a strategic competitive factor, the importance of which is steadily increasing. Based on your corporate strategy, the results of the IT Efficiency & Risk Audit and the HIS audit and our experience from numerous customer projects, we develop a promising, effective IT strategy together with you and with the involvement of as many stakeholders as possible.
Product sheet: IT strategyService level agreements
The growing demand for transparency and quality of IT services requires their exact description and continuous monitoring. The measurable description of the service quality to be provided by means of Service Level Agreements (SLA) plays the central role for the trust between IT service providers and their customers. After your current overall IT situation has been assessed by our experts, we will advise you which services should be covered by SLA and accompany your IT service areas in the implementation and introduction of the SLA.
Product sheet: Service Level Agreements