Health Care Management Symposium: 2. Health Care Management Web Conference

Health Care Management Symposium: 2. Health Care Management Web Conference

Events / Health Care Management Symposium: 2. Health Care Management Web Conference

Health Care Management Symposium: 2. Health Care Management Web Conference


On May 20, 2021, at 19:00 Dr. Stefan Drauschke, will summarize the discussions at the 2nd Healthcare Management Web Conference.

The digitization of the hospital does not only concern management and administration.

It will not succeed without the employees. And patients also need to be convinced of its benefits. The 90-minute online session aims to show you ways to the digital hospital through proven experts and practitioners. With concrete practical examples and insights, we want to shed light on these topics:

  • Challenges of digitalization for hospitals
  • Consequences for personnel management
  • Need to convince patients of the benefits of digitization.

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