Date: January 18, 2021 – Topic
Many of the discussions we have with our customers about the provisions of the Hospital Futures Act (KHZG) are characterized by some uncertainty. This not only affects operators of hospitals and clinics, but also IT companies and public authorities. A particularly sensitive topic is the discount regulation, which is often heard about and from various directions, but whose exact definition is found neither in the KHZG nor in the guideline on the hospital future fund. Who would like to experience here more exactly and not rely thereby on hearsay, goes into the § 5 exp. 3h of the KHEntgG and into §19 of the hospital structure fund regulation. Here you can read:
The maximum amount of the deduction is 2% of the invoice amount for each full and partial inpatient case. The discount regulation already applies as of 01.01.2025.
A deduction will only not apply if all of the five digital services listed below are fully provided in the hospital:
– Patient portal (referral, discharge and during the time of stay)
– Electronic care and treatment documentation
– Clinical decision systems (CSS)
– Digital medication management (DMM)
– Digital service request (CPOE / OERR)
More detailed regulations on the discount procedure and the amount will be agreed by the German National Association of Health Insurance Funds and the German Hospital Federation.
However, it is already clear today that the amount of the respective discount depends (weighted proportionally) on the number of services not provided (see above) and also on whether and how much services provided are used in the hospital.