“Open Heart Surgery”

Reorganization of purchasing and logistics at the Rostock University Medical Center

ROSTOCK 03/18/2019
The University Medical Center Rostock (UMR) is a facility in transition as a maximum provider in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. In this region, on the one hand, the demographic and economic signs for the future point to growth. On the other hand, the historically grown structure of the house means that several locations are operated in the city. The processes and structures in logistics and purchasing were also organized decentrally and characterized by an inadequate, not coordinated, logistical infrastructure. The new systems of the existing supply and disposal center were not yet in operation at the start of the project. For three years, intensive work was carried out to streamline the organizational structure and modernize the processes.


The modern understanding of care …

… as a guarantee of success for sustainable change

BERLIN 02/14/2019
The implementation of future concepts often shows traditional values ​​and views that conflict with contemporary processes / structures and regularly prevent their successful establishment. In nursing, too, there are employees with an understanding of nursing that is mostly based on the content of the training period, which has been outdated for many years. This understanding forms the framework of the value system and thus also a yardstick that distinguishes good care. Today’s work in nursing is patient and process-oriented and is based on tried and tested expert standards. The joint development of a modern nursing strategy creates orientation, clarity in the goals and is the guideline for a modern understanding of management and work in nursing with a resulting employee satisfaction.


Rehabilitation in transition

Meet the challenges with the processes in focus

The market for inpatient rehabilitation services has been stagnating for several years. Substantially assigning institutions change their occupancy behavior. Quality requirements increase at the same time as patient expectations increase. The staffing problems, as in the entire health care market, can also be found in the rehabilitation clinics. Our projects show that essentially the development of the strategic direction, process adjustments and the establishment of modern digital systems not only contribute to future success, but are also suitable for realizing short-term earnings effects. Prospective integrated and innovative services for patients can be implemented in the interplay of intersectoral care offers including rehabilitation, as in the health campus concept.


The future of hospital care

More time at the bedside thanks to new management structures

BERLIN 12.12.2018
From January 2019, the minimum staff levels will apply in the care-sensitive hospital areas. A year later, the “nursing staff quotient” is intended to point the way for nursing staff in German clinics. This not only moves nursing-related key figures, but also the question of future-oriented concepts of task distribution and responsibilities in nursing into the focus of the clinics. The voices from the practice see above all a problem in the mixing of management tasks and operative care at the bedside. From previous projects it has been shown that a skillful and process-oriented distribution of tasks and reorganization of the management structure with a focus on management roles are essential components to meet the challenges of the future.

kma newsletter special edition 06.12.2018

Financing hospital care 2020

Berlin, Date: 7. April, 2020 – Publication

Structural opportunity and economic risk at the same time

With the fundamentally positive idea of the Nursing Staff Reinforcement Act to no longer finance hospital care via DRG lump-sum payments per case or additional fees, but to fully remunerate each individual hospital, some hospitals are faced with the prospective manageability of these conditions.

In addition to the further budget negotiations with cost units that are now pending, a nursing budget of €130 per day of full inpatient and €65 per day of partial inpatient occupancy will apply until both parties reach agreement in accordance with § 15 (2a) KHEntgG. If clinics have so far been above the temporary daily rates, this can lead to short-term liquidity bottlenecks.

As a result of the legislation, economic efficiencies that previously resulted from price or volume effects in the nursing service are no longer required. Clinics are therefore forced to increase the economic efficiency by combining the medical service portfolio with effective consumption control and efficient processes.
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Smart control of patient flows …

Christian Riedel and Marco Clobes
…through higher-level capacity management

Although the scope of discharge management has been required by law since 2017, successful implementation includes much more than the content of the framework contract. Comprehensive and structured discharge planning begins with or even before the inpatient admission and extends over the entire stay and all treatment and process steps in the hospital. In addition, the occupancy and resource management starts with the planning of office hours and operating room appointments, results in an indication-appropriate care at wards and, if necessary, ends with a directly following post-inpatient care. Important elements, also in occupancy control, for example in areas relevant to PpUG, can be a boarding or holding area for patients, as well as an interdisciplinary short-stay station.

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Select the QM system and certifications in a targeted manner and make optimal use of them

Christian Riedel and Dr. René Rottleb

How high is our quality standard? Are employee qualifications and therapeutic performance up to date? Are errors effectively avoided? Do we use the right quality management system? Should certification be sought? – We help you to find the right answers to these and other questions about quality management. Our consulting experience shows that often existing certifications are not communicated effectively to the outside world. In addition to the added value for the management system, considerable marketing benefits can also be generated against the background of the right to choose and choose in rehabilitation. Special certifications can result in “lighthouse effects” or the strategic completion of the rehabilitation offer.

The modern understanding of care …

Christian Riedel and Dr.-Ing. Jörg Risse
… as a guarantee of success for sustainable change

The implementation of future concepts often shows traditional values ​​and views that conflict with contemporary processes / structures and regularly prevent their successful establishment. In nursing, too, there are employees with an understanding of nursing that is mostly based on the content of the training period, which has been outdated for many years. This understanding forms the framework of the value system and thus also a yardstick that distinguishes good care. Today’s work in nursing is patient and process-oriented and is based on tried and tested expert standards. The joint development of a modern nursing strategy creates orientation, clarity in the goals and is the guideline for a modern understanding of management and work in nursing with a resulting employee satisfaction.


“Open Heart Surgery”

ritta Wark (Rostock University Medical Center) and Ulrike Gies

– Reorganization of purchasing and logistics at the Rostock University Medical Center

The University Medical Center Rostock (UMR) is a facility in transition as a maximum provider in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. In this region, on the one hand, the demographic and economic signs for the future point to growth. On the other hand, the historically grown structure of the house means that several locations are operated in the city. The processes and structures in logistics and purchasing were also organized decentrally and characterized by an inadequate, not coordinated, logistical infrastructure. The new systems of the existing supply and disposal center were not yet in operation at the start of the project. For three years, intensive work was carried out to streamline the organizational structure and modernize the processes.


Health campus

Michael Schaaf and Celine Meier zu Köckerr
Conception of a cross-sectoral approach to care for rural areas

The discrepancy between the supply and demand of care with the guarantee of a comprehensive and demand-induced medical care presents rural regions with enormous challenges. Against the background of an “aging” population, hospital closings and practical tasks in rural areas, innovative care models must be implemented.

The campus concept offers coordinated outpatient, inpatient and rehabilitative offers that enable procedural, organizational and structural synergies on the service provider side, as well as intersectoral care models on the patient side. The concept implementation in Calw and Bad Säckingen is imminent. The cross-sectoral approach to care, which is geared towards issues of geriatric medicine, is praised by politicians, resident doctors and patients.